Don’t Put Yourself Last on the List!

Be an Amazing Mother While Enjoying Your Own Life As Well

Online Individual Therapy for Mothers throughout New Jersey

Schedule your Free Consultation

You’re a dedicated, nurturing mother.

You would do anything for your children, but the never-ending to-do list is killing you.

Life is a breathless race to the weekend, where you do laundry and chores until Monday.

You love your kids, but you’re constantly exhausted, and you find yourself getting irritated lately.

After losing your cool, you feel guilty and ashamed because you want to give your children a different experience than you had as a child.

But how can you do it all?

You’re exhausted from trying to do everything.

The other day you realized it’d been almost a week since you were supposed to call your friend back.

You and your partner barely have any time for each other. (Do people even have sex anymore?)

If you get out to do anything, it’s always focused on the kids.

You know you need support, but you need more than your friend’s compassionate advice.

Be the joyful mother you dream of being with therapy.

Hi, I’m Heather, and I work with mothers to balance their lives and be more present with their children.

Change is hard to do alone, so we’ll prioritize your self-care with a clear plan to follow at home.

Reconnect with the messages your body is communicating to you with mindfulness techniques.

We’ll identify the patterns keeping you stuck in survival mode and heal them at the source.

Rewrite your story.

Our sessions incorporate holistic interventions to heal your mind, body, and spirit to transform your life.

Develop the skill to set loving boundaries that nourish you and your most important relationships.

We will decode the subconscious signals of your body using the most recent neuroscience.

Enjoy rest, play, and pleasure as you reconnect with your inner guide and create real change in your life and with your children.

Being the best “Mom” means focusing on you.

You can no longer afford to put your needs last on the list.

This is the time to create joyful memories with your family.

Don’t look back a year from now wishing you’d given yourself the support you deserve.

The life of your dreams is waiting for you.

Call (862) 505-1717 to schedule your free 15-minute consultation and get started today!